5 Sneaky Ways Students Can Fit In Exercise

Who here likes to exercise? No one? Yeah, I figured. I make sure to, but it’s not like I’m thinking, “Yippee, time to workout!” It’s like brushing my teeth, it’s just part of my routine. Let me tell you, though, I wish I had begun working out in high school or even college. I would have been much better off.

You may be at a time in your life where you don’t have to exercise pretty hard, but it’s still important to build that up somewhat into your daily routine because it’ll pay off later. I’ve made a list of 5 sneaky ways you can fit exercising in while being a student.

1. Dumbbells.

I have a set of 5 pound dumbbells in my room that I use in the mornings. I do two sets of ten bicep curls and two sets of ten reps where I slowly raise them up above my head and then back down. Try finding some moves that you can do with them in the mornings, too. Building muscle is good for you!

2. Squats.

Doing squats either first thing in the morning, or when you get home after school is a great habit to get into. Check out Pinterest to see which routine would work best for you. A lot of people swear by doing squats and you might find that you like it, too.

3. Walking.

Once you’ve gotten back home (or to your dorm) after school, try regrouping and take a thirty minute walk. By fitting this into your daily routine, you can build up leg muscles and burn some serious calories. I did this myself when I first started my lifestyle change and it worked well!

4. A New Hobby, Maybe?

I recently began taking up golf and have been working hard at it ever since. Besides learning something new, my arms have gotten a lot stronger. It’s a great payoff! Have you always wanted to try something new and have yet to give it a shot? What are you waiting for? Go for it! There are so many things that you can try. You’d be surprised as to how much exercise you’d probably be getting along with it.

5. Chores.

I know, whomp whomp. Very few people like cleaning. I get that. But, cleaning for an hour burns a ton of calories and does the body good. Sweeping, doing dishes, wiping windows, and doing laundry all requires great effort and keeps you active, not to mention all the other cleaning that you can do, too. I know firsthand that it requires some great effort to actually want to clean, but once you get started, it’s hard to stop!

I hope that this list gave you some good ideas on how to fit exercising in. Like I said, I wish that I had started this sooner. But, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’m doing it now and the same goes for you. Get out there and start right now. Just finish your homework first!